A bit late on the ball here, as I’m just catching up on ep. 682, but feel compelled to finally find use for my primary-school skills around Norse Mythology. The topic is, as per usual a rabbit hole, but the TL;DR is that Jotunheim, the headphone amp, has gotten its name from Jötunheimr, litterally the Home of Jotun.
Jotunheimen a two-part word, where the first is Jotun, refers to beings typically with similar power to the gods. Many of these are starring in Marvel-movies with characters like “Thor” and “Loki”.
Jotunheimen, the National Park is an absolutely stunning part of Norway, named after the mythical place of Jötunheimr. It was once believed to be where these beings dwelled.
The word has positive connotations, so Jotun is also used as the name for a 99 year old global company founded in Norway.
Looking at the Shiit product pages, you will find a lot of products with names from the Norse mythology. I use and love the Asgard 3 myself.
As for the pronounciation, I guess it was as good as could be expected 🙂
//Tormod – born an raised in Oslo