My version of the album cover for Yello’s “Claro Que Si” from 1981, created by Californian illustrator and artist Jim Cherry.

Album released back when I was 16, it had an immense effect on me at the time. It was still quite early in electronic music, and here Yello is showing the way to the future of synth.
I still love many of the tracks, and they are on regular rotation in my playlists. I still love many of the tracks, and they are on regular rotation in my playlists.
Mr. Jim Cherry is still around and has both a (very retro) personal site a shop on Redbubble. Only two days back I understood that the text “Cherry” on the amplifier (or whatever it is) at bottom center was his then signature.
Re-created in Affinity Designer for iPad. Yes, I changed the title at the top…
As I was searching for the correct credits for this piece, I found the below image for sale on Jim Cherry’s site. It was part of a 12″ cover I had not seen since the early 1980s and it was very affordable so I just had to get a copy. I have always loved the story that is told in the lyrics to “She’s Got a Gun”, and this is the actual lady that came through the night. (Also referenced in another image I’ve done here.) They later picked up the film noir theme in the track “Ocean Club” with yet another fun story.
The print was delivered very quickly from RedBubble (in Germany), and below is a photo of the framed piece now on my office wall. I’m such a nostalgic old geezer 👴🏻