Vector drawing of the cover for what I have considered the “last great Simple Minds album” for 40 years now. “Once Upon a Time” was their next album, including their biggest hits, Alive and Kicking and Don’t you Forget About Me. I hated that one, such a clear departure from their stellar catalog up until then, and it took off because of a silly movie featuring Molly Ringwald (!) (The Breakfast Club).

“Once Upon a Time” was their big step into arena rock, simplified and polished for mainstream audiences, and I didn’t like it one bit.
Re-listened to it today and must admit, it isn’t all that bad, actually. Still, those wailing parts, added to the choruses for the crowd to join in…
Anyway, after this cooling off period, I have now continued ahead in their discography and find that I really enjoy the 1989 “Street Fighting Years” a lot. Weirdly enough, produced by Trevor Horn, but not sounding like typical 80s Trevor Horn at all.
As I happily binge through the newer albums for the first time, I feel both a little sheepish for forgetting all about them, but also quite happy to re-kindle my relationship with Simple Minds. There is so much great material in their later albums, and many of them have the classic sound of their early recordings. Also a few fun ones – one cover album and many nice versions on the “Acoustic” album.