Some Stupid

This is another project that has been in my mind for like 10 years or so. That’s when I made the graphic, and it’s on the wall in my office. Just animating it didn’t sound that hard. I already had Apple Motion installed, but could never make heads nor tails of that. After recently picking up DaVinci Resolve video editor (the free version) and completed a few classes with GroundControl, this not only seemed possible, but bordering on easy. I find the best way to learn is by doing, and next time, I’ll be way faster. Still, then I’ll probably be stuck on some different cool aspect of that software.

Anyway – here’s an animated version of my “Smoke on the Water” design.
Runtime is 3 min.

…with a flare gun

Deep Purple were set to record the “Machine Head” album in the casino, but ended up at the Grand Hotel instead. A great write-up of the story is here.



Deep Purple, “Smoke on the Water” is performed, written and produced by the “mark 2” lineup: Glover, Blackmore, Gillan, Lord and Paice.


  • Poster from the Jazz Festival of 1971, artwork by Bruno Caeng
  • Claude Nobs and Jean-Paul Marquis with a fire hose, ©1971 Alain Bettex
  • Casino concert hall in flames, ©Alain Bettex 1971
  • View from above into the burnt-out building, Keystone/Str
  • Bass player Léon Francioli in the ruins of the Casino ©Alain Bettex 1971
  • Band photo used for the single cover is attributed to EMI Electrola


Helvetica in different weights. Can you get any more Swiss than that, typographically speaking? I think not.



